Olikay Young Artists Group

Olivia Nie 乐乐

[badge value=”CN”]小艺术家 乐乐是个天生的艺术家,5岁开始在皇家音乐学院RCM学习小提琴,5岁之前就酷爱画画,作品极为生动。之后音乐深造,从师原多伦多交响乐团首席小提琴Erica Davison教授。12岁成为Mooredale青年交响乐团第二首席小提琴, 在Rosedale剧场参加演出。14岁比赛Kiwanis 音乐节获得小提琴独奏金奖。


哈佛大学录取油画,2017年两副作品拍卖捐赠慈善机构。PDF file

[badge value=”EN”] First Prize in the City of Windsor art contest, Canada, $1000 education saving plan. The same year Second Prize in Chinese Art Gallery of Ontario contest, the youngest winner at age 5. First Prize in the City of Keene art contest in USA. At age 7, Cover Design for River Gallery Art School in The 100 Best Small Art Towns in America Brattleboro, Vermont, USA. Age 12, Principal Second violinist of The Senior Orchestra of Mooredale Youth Orchestras since 2010 in Toronto, Canada. Age 14 Violin Solo GOLD Award at Kiwanis Music Festival of Greater Toronto. Harvard University application, 2 artworks auction to support charity in 2017.
Artist Website

Katharine Nie, KK

[badge value=”CN”]KK从小喜爱画画,2012年在标签设计大赛中,从几千个选手中,赢得多伦多市一等奖。
之后进入知名高中CyberARTS at DMCI 进一步学习,进一步到纽约著名艺术学院深造。

[badge value=”EN”] In January 2012 Toronto Public Library bookmark contest to celebrate Canadian Children’s Book Week, won the grand prize at 2012 Bookmark Contest Awards Ceremony, North York Central Library.

After more study at CyberARTS at DMCI, KK is going to study visual arts in a top art college in New York.
Artist Website

Ace Yilong Su

Born in 2010, age 7 now.
Spark Little Prince and Princess 2017 third place
Talent: Taekwondo, soccer, art, dance
Education: grade 1
School: Sir John A. Macdonald Public School
Personal Statement:
Happy growth and a little progress every day! The harder you work, the luckier you become!
Artist Website


Audrey Ailin Su

Born in 2013, age 4 now.
Talent: art, dance
Education: preschool
Personal Statement: Happy every day!
Artist Website


Team Work: artworks auction for charity organization in 2017